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Brad Harris Workout

Vince Gironda said about Brad Harris "Brad is accomplished in many directions. He's a film star, producer, and director. His real love is training. A super strong and wonderfully fit human being, he never takes his shirt off - but the muscles are there - believe me!"

brad harris workout

Bradford Harris born in St. Anthony, Idaho USA ON 16TH July 16, 1933 is an American actor, stuntman, and executive producer. Brad's film career lasted for 48 years, and he appeared in over 40 different movies and a number of TV shows playing the part of an adventure-movie hero.

When Brad's family moved to California he applied and received an athletic scholarship for UCLA doing economics. After Brad injured his knee when playing football weightlifting was recommended in order to strengthen the knee injury he started getting interested in bodybuilding.

Brad Harris was only 14 years old when he got inspired by Steve Reeves and would travel by bus to Muscle Beach to watch the bodybuilders train. When he attended Burbank High School he became an exceptional athlete competing in track, football and basketball.

In those days he would train with Bill Smith who later also became a highly acclaimed actor-bodybuilder. The two of them used to train in his garage. After Brad was elected as the student body president he was offered a full football scholarship at USC, but he selected a more academic climate at UCLA, where he completed a degree in political geography. Brad is not an idiot because he speaks Italian and German fluently with some French and some Spanish.

Brads contribution to the movie industry was finally recognized when he got inducted into the "Hollywood Stuntmen's Hall of Fame" on January 19th 2006. He was also honored with an additional Lifetime Achievement Award at his "Brad Harris Live" Film Festival which was held on April 29th 2006, in Germany.

Today Brad Harris is 83 years old and is still dedicated to his own fitness corporation called Modern Body Design. He also markets products like Ab-OrigiOnals, which is a unique abdominal-exercise which is an innovative device enabling the user to train their midsection from many different angles to achieve maximum results.

Brad explains that the program he trains is something he has developed that is based on well over 60 years of brutal trial and error. Brad does not recommend anyone should try to follow the exact exercises he does, but to rather learn those basic principles using his own system and to then apply them to something that suits your own workouts.

It needs to be added that Brad would run up and down the well-known stairs in Santa Monica to train his legs and do cardiovascular work. Below is the kind of workout that Brad STILL does at 83 years old. He explains that the 167 wooden steps he would do in less than 30 seconds but still boasts about the fact that he can climb 167 stairs in less than 90 seconds at 83 years old.

Monday: Arms
Low-pulley rope curls 12 X 30 reps
Rope triceps extensions leaning forward 12 X 30 reps

Tuesday: Shoulders, back
Circle high pulls 12 X 30 reps
Seated side D/B raises 12 X 30 reps

Wednesday: Chest and front delts
Decline dumbbell presses 12 X 30 reps
Brado-matic push-ups 12 X 30 reps

Thursday: Upper back
Lat Pulldowns (various grips and positions) 12 X 30 reps

Friday: Cycle begins again.

The workout above routine is cycled every four days and the exercise listed above include the sets and reps he does every morning. In the afternoon he would train again for another 45 minutes or an hour doing the following: Abs: Ab-OrigiOnals 4 X 40 reps

Next day: Legs, running the 167 stairs twice or he will do wind sprints on a mountain bike.

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