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Frank Zane Workout

Frank Zane is another top bodybuilder who trained at Vince Gironda's Gym in Studio City, California, as a matter of fact Vince gave him a key to the gym so he could come in late at night to train whenever he wanted. Frank learned all about Vince's training methods, he also loved his unique equipment and said he had "the best dumbbells".

frank zane workout

Everyone will agree that when we look at Frank Zane in his swimsuit or his posing trunks his body certainly is aesthetically pleasing to the eye with his near-perfect proportions. But it wasn't a coincidence or only some genetic gift, it was hard work. Frank won his share of bodybuilding titles but the Mr. Olympia title alluded him for about 5 years.

Gironda begged Frank to train with less volume and increase the weight, but Frank was raised on high volume training and it always concerned him that he will expose himself to injury when training heavy. It was only in 1977 when Gironda finally got through to Frank and it worked.

By training 3 or 4 different exercises for 3 sets of between 8 to 12 reps Frank was able to reduce his volume considerably. Frank would still do high reps on his calves and abs. In the 6 months that followed Frank added a considerable amount of muscle to his frame and went on to win three consecutive Mr. Olympia titles in a row.

Frank always employed a sort of Zen approach to his training, explaining that when lifting maximum poundage's, he is able to focus specifically on the muscle being worked. Frank is a thinker because in the same breath he will also tell you that the only way to gain any serious muscle is by training heavy.

In his own words Frank says that when you get muscle from lifting a heavy weight and you lay off from training for a few weeks or even months, you won't lose the muscle as quickly as you would if you got the muscle through high reps, using a lighter weight.

Below is just one leg day training Frank would do, so that you can see why he believes in volume. According to Frank this thighs/calves/abs and lower back workout below is something he did before those 6 months of heavy training. The leg routine below is what he used to develop his perfect proportions that got him Mr. America and Mr. Universe. Frank believed in training with high reps because it worked for him.

Frank Zane Let Workout

Leg Extensions 3 sets of 16, 14, 12 reps
Squats 3 sets of 15 reps
Hack Squats 3 sets of 10 reps
Leg Curls 3 sets of 18, 14, 12 reps
Leg-Press Calf Raises 4 sets of 15 reps
Seated Calf Raises 3 sets of 15 reps
Roman-Chair Sit-ups 1 sets of 100 reps
Incline Knee-Ups 3 sets of 40, 30, 30 reps
Hyperextensions 1 ses of 20 reps

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